Lucca - I was there (4)

Gepubliceerd op 19 februari 2024 om 09:32

The region of Tuscany has so much to offer that I could write a blog every week about this beautiful part of Italy. However, what I remember most the first time was the walled fortress town of Lucca. And yes, I have been there and can recommend making it part of your event or incentive.

Lucca I was there

So how did I end up in Lucca? Due to an incentive at Training & Travel for a Belgian company, I joined as a supervisor. Part of the incentive was aimed at getting to know the beautiful town, its history and culinary surprises. The best pizza I ever ate here.

The assignments carried out during the activity by the company's employees were with GPS and aimed at strengthening the team. It was also partly an anniversary, but that party was outsourced by us, so we had the opportunity to explore and experience the town for just over a day.

Would you like to know more about the region? Please contact the official tourism office in Tuscany, visit the Visit Tuscany website.

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