Born and raised in the province of Gelderland, somewhere in the east of the country, close to the German border. However, it feels less at home there than the island of Terschelling, there is something there that continues to attract. Lived in Arnhem, even a time in Canada and now somewhere on the Frisian land. It is not that I long to return to where I feel at home, but rather it is a desire to be and stay in another country for a certain period of time. A year or so.....and then move on. Working and see Europe, that would be fantastic.
Back now and then, to family and acquaintances, to those you love. Imagine all those experiences you have, the people you get to know. Amazing, right?!

The thought of actually going plays more and more often. I will not suspect you with the ups and downs in my life. There was success and misery. However, I have started to care less about materialism, such as a house and other things. I don't own that much. Fits in a van I think. That is why I prefer to save experiences, moments and nice memories than to focus on owning things or a house. So why not?
My idea is to get the EventHeartFinder Project started and then work somewhere in Europe. Returning regularly includes either a visit to your loved ones or they at your place. I work with a laptop, which can be done at home and anywhere. The house prices here are sky high, given my age I don't feel like buying a house here anymore. Let alone live up to the expectations of others. After saying comes doing!

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