Travel Agencies, DMC's and others from the travel industry, usually realize 1 out of 23 quotes. Some do it better, others do it worse. I am not telling them to change what they are doing and always did. I just say I want to help to change the way we quote, the way we are doing it. Because we are selling destinations, dreams, and stories. That is where it starts, with your client, just bill them on what they want instead of sending Quotes to them on what they expect.

Written by Mark van Zon
There is one page on our website in English Hospitality B2B Mice and this is about my expertise in the Hospitality & Travel Industry. I invite you to read this page. Besides this page, I also started a network with Travel Agents, DMC's and Convention Bureaus. Or a page 'How to make a MICE brochure?' The downloads are free of charge. They include examples of itineraries, presentations, and contacts. The destinations I go for can be different than yours.
There is also a download, 'Just a short Introduction', about the way I work. In the past, I worked for different Travel Agencies and I made a business plan to change the way how to collaborate with all parties. You need trust and transparency. It is about supply and demand, giving and getting, sharing, and most of all working together.
I am busy getting the money in, the concept is ready. In the coming months, I will keep you posted. If you are interested, or want to know more about it, please let me know. My plan is not to be in competition, but to work together. Guide the client through its choices for destinations, agents, hotel, venue and, all sorts of activities. It all is about billing each other, earn money out of the purchase or collaboration. Because everything is on the 'bloody' internet.
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